Month: May 2020


When the end times is mentioned, many people immediately want to turn in their Bibles to the Book of Revelation. However, this is a mistake. To see the book of Revelation as some sort of cryptic map of future events is to miss its importance to its original audience. The…

Crude World

Have you ever really considered why oil is such a big deal? In case you didn’t know, oil is much more than something that keeps your family car running, it is a key component in many of the things around your home right now. Oil, What is it Good For?…

Attempt Great Things

The reading assignment below comes from “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. [responsivevoice_button] In an English village, late in the eighteenth century, stood a humble workshop. Over its door, a sign announced, “Secondhand shoes bought and sold.” Inside, the shoemaker, William Carey, repaired a neighbor’s boot or,…

Legislation and Later Years

[responsivevoice_button] Even though all Americans technically had the right to vote, many southern states made it difficult for blacks. They often required them to take voter literacy tests that were confusing, misleading and nearly impossible to pass. In September 1957, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into law. It…

Age of Trajan

Read “Book of the Ancient Romans” Chapter 20 – Rome in the Age of Trajan and Under the Antonines on pages 376-385 and leave a comment on the reading that is at least three sentences long.

The Second Coming

[responsivevoice_button] To end this school year, we will look at our final of the 11 foundational doctrines, the Second Coming. This is a topic that usually elicits one of two responses. You have those that fit into one of the well-defined camps (we will talk about those more this week)…

Separate is Unequal

[responsivevoice_button] Our discussions have brought us into the 1960s and this is the decade that saw the major victories in the Civil Rights Movement. However, you should not think that this movement began in the 1960s, it didn’t even begin in the 1940s or 50s. Efforts to improve the quality…

The Flavian Line

Read “Book of the Ancient Romans” Chapter 19 – Rome Under the Caesars, Section II – The Flavian Line on pages 366-375 and share a comment on your reading that is at least 3 sentences long.

Work on Credo

Only two weeks left to complete your Credo Project. To be on track, you should be over halfway done at this point. Don’t forget that you need to have at least two supporting scripture references for each section to get full credit. If you are looking for help, I would…

Chains Are Gone

The reading below comes from “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. At the opening of the Age of Progress, the greatest power in English religious life was the evangelical movement, sparked and spread by John Wesley and George Whitefield. The chief marks of the movement were its…

Claudius and Nero

Read The Book of the Ancient Romans chapter 19 “Rome Under the Caesars” Section 1: The Julian Line, parts c and d: Claudius and Nero, on pages 354-365, and complete the reading questions below.

Catholicism in America

When you look back at the history of the United States, this strand of anti-Catholicism becomes very prominent. We desire to show this idyllic idea that we were a melting pot of religious freedom, but as we have already seen, people wanted religious freedom for themselves, not freedom for others.…