Time to Learn

Age of Trajan

Read “Book of the Ancient Romans” Chapter 20 – Rome in the Age of Trajan and Under the Antonines on pages 376-385 and leave a comment on the reading that is at least three sentences long.

15 thoughts on “Age of Trajan

  1. How old do you have to be to become a Emperor because Trajan was probably really young. When his dad adopted he died soon after and then became emperor so he was really young

  2. Trajan was a great soldier. He was a strong leader and was looked upon with reverence. Trajan died before he got back to Rome. 🙁

  3. trajan wasnt italian or roman, but they still acepted him. hadrian was defensive and not aggressive. antonius pius was a gaul and they still let him rule

  4. Hadrian, who was Trajan’s heir, did not want to make Rome bigger. He governed the Empire as it was. He brought unity over all the Empire.

  5. Tragan was a provincial Spaniard. He was loved greatly by the people. He was the greatest ruler Rome had since Ceaser Augustas.

  6. Why do the good emperors never last long? Its sad that Trajan never got back to Rome. Hadrian made Rome one empire and he and Trajan were both builders. I am glad Rome got at least a few good emperors.

  7. Nerva was very old for a ruler, but was kind to the people even though he didn’t do very much for the Romans/Rome. I find it interesting that most of these kings are adopted by their predecessors, e.g. Trajan. Trajan was the greatest emperor since Caesar Augustus, and he did many good things, but died on the way home from one of his campaigns. Hadrian, who was appointed heir by Trajan, was a good statesman who believed that Rome did not have to become any bigger; it could stay the size that it was, I think it is a good thing that Hadrian made sure his army behaved, because you wouldn’t want a rogue army. I also find it surprising that Hadrian himself united whatever provinces of Rome he could, and he didn’t really have the help of others. Antoninus Pius, who was appointed emperor after Hadrian, was a Gaul who was kind and peaceful, who set a good law for the Roman citizens. Marcus Aurelius, who came after him, had to immediately wage war following his reign. Apparently, he used up a lot of money and brought back a plague with him, which was not what the Romans needed. I find it surprising that Marcus Aurelius did not die in this plague, because it seemed devastating according to the book.

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