Time to Learn

Claudius and Nero

Read The Book of the Ancient Romans chapter 19 “Rome Under the Caesars” Section 1: The Julian Line, parts c and d: Claudius and Nero, on pages 354-365, and complete the reading questions below.

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8 thoughts on “Claudius and Nero

    1. I think that it is very interesting to find out which emperors in which line are good/bad. I personally do not like Nero because he did most things out of pleasure for himself than listen to the people, really. I have a question though: Why would Nero rebuild a town he supposedly burned down? He probably wanted to cover himself up as a suspect. But there must have been someone in Rome that was in the palace with Nero, unless he was alone in a room. Did the Romans consider the Christians slaves until Nero ruled and killed them for public enjoyment? Or were the Christians just as important as the average Romans? I don’t even see how he could’ve been emperor in the first place, seeing how vain he acted.

      1. It’s possible that he wanted to build the city better than it was. Remember that much of the urban housing was really poorly constructed. However, it’s hard to ask that many people to move so you can demolish their building and build a better one. But if a fire should happen to burn down the city, then your work is done for you and you can lay the blame on some marginalized group. The rights of Christians really depended on the whims of the emperors up until Theodosius and Constantine who successively made Christianity both legal and the state religion.

  1. He is pretty bad. Did he do anything else good other than rebuild Rome? Or did he just kill people and build fancy palaces for himself all his life as emperor. What happened to the palace after he died?

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