Time to Learn

Catholicism in America

When you look back at the history of the United States, this strand of anti-Catholicism becomes very prominent. We desire to show this idyllic idea that we were a melting pot of religious freedom, but as we have already seen, people wanted religious freedom for themselves, not freedom for others.

After you watch the video below, share at least one way in which American Catholics were discriminated against and how the Catholic Church responded to this discrimination.

14 thoughts on “Catholicism in America

  1. When the Catholics were coming to America they were excluded and avoided as though they were spies.
    To go to school, they pretended to be protestants and were still Catholic.

    1. ya. wouldnt you think that they would have catholic schools in america back then for poorer children

  2. I find it interesting that this “immigration of Catholics” brought a lot of nationalities to America, which is cool. Was there an immigration to America of other religions besides Catholicism during this time?

    1. Yes there was. America became the refuge for all of the tired, huddled masses yearning to be free. (That’s from the Statue of Liberty.) However, we have not always live up to our ideals.

  3. I didn’t know that Irish people were Catholics and that they brought some of that religion to America.

  4. its pretty sad that we started this country based on freedom of religion and we couldn’t accept catholics even though they needed a refuge from th famine

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