Month: October 2018

Core Beliefs: Jesus

If you walk into any Christian church in the world and ask someone, “What do Christians believe?” there is a good chance you will get all kinds of different answers. I want to distill all those different things down to the irreducible core beliefs. Other things can be discussed and…

The Hammer of Reform

There is a holiday every year that sends reformed hipsters into fits of delight. It is an excuse to pull out the German beer, potato salad, and sausage. It is no happy accident that what has become known as Reformation Day shares a day with All Hallows Eve, better known…

Why a House Church?

For years, I’ve thought of my desire to do church planting as something that I would do after the kids moved out or in retirement. Part of this was because of the time commitment and the other was because of finances. But now that our kids are a bit older…

The Journey Begins

A house church in the little town of Williston, Florida? That’s right, we believe that God is calling us to start another church in a town that already seems full of them. What led us to this point? I’m Logan Mauldin, the guy that usually does most of the talking…