
Why Christian School?

I grew up as a public school kid and I have several family members who were or are public school teachers. So when my wife and I had kids, I was a bit surprised to find out that my wife wanted to send the kids to a private Christian school.…

Pray for the Uighur of China

Tucked away in the Northwest corner of China, Xinjiang, are approximately 12 million Turkic Chinese Muslims known as the Uighur (also spelled Uyghur and pronounced we-gur). These ancient travelers of the Silk Road were possibly once Christians before being forcibly converted to Islam under Mongol oppression between the 10th and…

Three Reasons You Shouldn’t Observe Lent

If you would have asked me about Lent twenty years ago, when I was a newborn Christian, I probably would have told you that it was a time of repentance for Catholics for all the debauchery that happens during Mardi Gras. I had no clue that it was practiced by…

Pray for the Hausa

Hausa is the largest ethnic group in Africa. They have been known for centuries as traders and are well established in all cities on the Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage route, in Sub Saharan Africa. They have a population of about 70 million. The vast majority are in Southern Niger and Northern…

Independent Jesus

It’s nearly impossible to escape it in the news, entertainment, and social media. The conversations bubble up around the water cooler, at family gatherings, and during school functions. We live in a highly charged political arena and current events, like the partial government shutdown and the battle over border security,…

New City Catechism

See all of our New City Catechism resources in one page! During 2019, We are going to go through the New City Catechism one question a week. This post is intended to introduce you to this catechism, show some of the features we’ll see, and give you some ideas for using…

Conversational Creed

I grew up Baptist and catechism went hand in hand with baptizing babies and we didn’t even talk about it. It still makes people think of heartless orthodoxy and pompous rituals. However, there is a whole wing of Jesus lovers that have used the catechism as a tool for Christian growth…


It is that time of year when everyone is looking at their life and trying to make a new start on those resolutions that you failed at last year. Maybe you want to lose a few pounds, exercise more, have less anger, read more, on and on the list goes.…

Living Big

I have a confession to make. I absolutely love to watch the profiles of families and couples that have ditched their giant McMansion and traded it in for the minimalist lifestyle. Specifically, Bryce Langston and his YouTube show Living Big in a Tiny House. The decision to live intentionally and…

A Well-Ordered Life

If the only thing in your life guided by your Christianity is two or three hours on the weekend then you have missed the boat. The Christian is called to walk worthy of the God (Ephesians 4:1, Philippians 1:27, Colossians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:12, etc.) and I don’t think that…

The Dark Side of Christmas

During the Christmas season, we are happy to haul out the holly and put up the brightest string of lights you’ve ever seen. We even take a few moments to remember that first silent Christmas night when the God of the universe slipped into human flesh and was placed in…

Unwrap Something Old

My wife and I were recently considering getting my daughter, who has somehow transformed into a teenager overnight, a smartphone. My wife had upgraded her phone a few months back and we were still holding on to the older model iPhone with hopes of giving it to her as her…

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a meeting look like? Since we meet in a home, we spend the first few minutes greeting each other and getting a drink and maybe a snack. If you come early you might see our family finishing up some Sunday afternoon activities, baking cookies, cleaning up or arranging…


Why would we name a church Paradox? Well, in case you didn’t know, a paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is actually true. I see them everywhere in the Bible and they are not contradictions that i have to defend, they are conundrums that I have to face.…

The Hammer of Reform

There is a holiday every year that sends reformed hipsters into fits of delight. It is an excuse to pull out the German beer, potato salad, and sausage. It is no happy accident that what has become known as Reformation Day shares a day with All Hallows Eve, better known…

Why a House Church?

For years, I’ve thought of my desire to do church planting as something that I would do after the kids moved out or in retirement. Part of this was because of the time commitment and the other was because of finances. But now that our kids are a bit older…

The Journey Begins

A house church in the little town of Williston, Florida? That’s right, we believe that God is calling us to start another church in a town that already seems full of them. What led us to this point? I’m Logan Mauldin, the guy that usually does most of the talking…