Time to Learn

The Journey Begins

A house church in the little town of Williston, Florida? That’s right, we believe that God is calling us to start another church in a town that already seems full of them. What led us to this point?

I’m Logan Mauldin, the guy that usually does most of the talking during the Bible Study part of things. I graduated from the Baptist College of Florida with my Bachelors in Theology and have served in various ways in several churches over the last 15 years. I’ve been a youth leader, an associate pastor, a music minister, a small group leader and more. During the financial crisis, I left full-time vocational ministry behind and went into the professional world. However, I have always had the desire to teach the Bible and to lead others to find true and lasting joy in the good news of Jesus Christ.

That is how we come to Paradox Church. We see all of the Christian life as a beautiful paradox. We believe that the one who wishes to gain his life must lose it, that God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and that the all-powerful God of the universe came close to us by being born as a baby. Not only was he born, but this Son of God lived a sinless life and God sent him to die on the cross, not for any crimes that he has done, but for you. At the cross, Jesus made possible an remarkable exchange in which he takes away all our sin and we receive his perfection.

This exchange is the greatest treasure in the universe. It opens up a relationship with our creator and enables us to truly love others. The real paradox is that this treasure is nothing that we can purchase or earn. We can’t do anything to deserve it. It is freely given by God as a gift.

You might have grown up in church or maybe you only mention God in swear words. Without Christ, we all stand before the Holy God completely bankrupt. You may call yourself an atheist or maybe you say you’re a Christian but you don’t even remember what that’s supposed to look like. God’s grace is available to you.

Come if you have been burned or scarred by a church before, Jesus is ready to heal those wounds. Come if you have never felt like you belonged, there is a place for anyone who will come at the foot of the cross. Come if you are tired of working to gain God’s favor, you can’t do it. But the amazing news is that Jesus already did it for you. Come and find satisfaction for your soul in Jesus.


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