Time to Learn

End of the Republic

Cesar Roman Statue Sculpture

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Read “The End of the Republic” in Book of the Ancient Romans from pages 259-265.

Julius Caesar is now dead and the question is, “who will take up the reigns and lead?” This is where we get the story of Antony and Cleopatra and the beginning of the Golden Age of Rome under a new Caesar.

Take some time to finish your timelines today and write one thing that you learned about the story of Julius Caesar this week in the comments below.

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11 thoughts on “End of the Republic

  1. Pingback: Caesar’s Reign and Fall – Mr. Mauldin's Class

  2. When Pompey went to Egypt, one of the men there thought Julius Caesar would be happy if they killed him, so they did. However, Julius Caesar was not happy.

  3. Ceaser had a very gruesome death and there was some serious backstabbing going on there in both senses of the word

  4. No one wanted to be taken prisoner, so they were willing to fall on their swords!!
    Octavius was young, but he was willing to rule anyway.
    Cleopatra wanted to be queen of Rome and Egypt. So, in today’s world, was she a gold digger or just very greedy? Why did she want so much power? Power = money?

  5. I find it interesting that the “so many wives” biz stretches back to ancient times, but we all know today that that is NOT GOOD. I didn’t know that part of the reason Cleopatra won Caesar over was because of her beauty

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