Time to Learn

Caesar’s Reign and Fall

Julius Caesar Assassination Painting

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Read “Julius Caesar” in Book of the Ancient Romans from pages 243-259.

Continue to record events on your Caesar timeline. It will be due on Friday.

Some of the most famous events in all of Roman history take place in this chapter. The burning of the Library in Alexandria, the end of the Roman Republic, the assassination of Julius Caesar. Share your thoughts below.

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15 thoughts on “Caesar’s Reign and Fall

  1. Pingback: End of the Republic – Mr. Mauldin's Class

  2. Pingback: The First Triumvirate – Mr. Mauldin's Class

  3. during Ceasers reign he was a very considerate merciful leader unlike Sulla and did what he had to do and conquered much land without becoming an evil power-hungry tyrant

  4. Did Caesar start ruling in 45 bc? The book says “in the year 45 bc he set himself to rule” and I don’t know what it means.

    1. I think that just one stab in the right place would be enough to kill someone. I guess, “Kill ’em, even if they’s already dead.” (That’s from The Tale of Desperaux), but i dunno. Maybe he wasn’t dead?

  5. Why would the conspirators think that he would overthrow the government he worked so hard to build? Caesar was a good leader, and he took care of the people.

    Where did Caesar keep his armies? In his sleevies.

  6. I didn’t think Caesar would overthrow the government he built either. Caesar was a very good leader who did good things for his home.

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