Bible History and Logic

Daily Growth

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Yesterday, we discussed how the process of sanctification is a finished work based on our new nature in Christ. We are commanded by faith to count ourselves as dead to sin and alive to God in Christ. That makes it sound like I should just sit…

Two Natures

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Hopefully in our discussion on Sanctification yesterday, you came away with something of a definition and process. Here are the basics: Sanctification is being set apart to be holy (1 Corinthians 6:11) by growing in Christ-likeness. (1 Thessalonians 5:23). In other words, as a Christian, you…

Sanctification Discussion

<== Previous Lesson Be ready to discuss your findings from yesterday’s research. I’ll be calling on people to share. If you cannot join this meeting for any reason, please let me know and we will discuss makeup work. [zoom_api_link meeting_id=”435642515″ link_only=”no”] Next Lesson ==>

What is Sanctification?

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Your assignment is to do some research on sanctification online. I’d like you to research and write out an answer to the following questions: What is Sanctification? What is a saint? What does it mean that a believer is a new creation? What is the process…

Salvation Quiz

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Just like in class, Fridays will be a day for a quiz and maybe something fun that we missed during the week. If you took notes (like you should) during the week then this should be a breeze. If not, then feel free to look back…

Assurance of Salvation

<== Previous Lesson Zoom Call today at 11:15 am [responsivevoice_button] While Jesus’ death accomplished everything that it was intended to, we have not yet experienced all that there is to experience of salvation. We are in the middle of it. Past – Justified Present – Sanctified Future – Glorified In…

God’s Provision

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Read this verse: God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— he did it to demonstrate his righteousness…

Man’s Problem

<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] As we start this new week, we move into the theology of salvation also known as soteriology. So for those of you confused as to how the trinity and creation are applicable to your daily life, there should be no confusion this week. Being around church…

How and When Did God Create?

[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] It is not enough to just know that God created. Humanity has an intense desire to figure out the “how” of creation. There are three major views that are important for all believers to understand. Evolution Please note that this is not a…

Why Create?

[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] After having looked at the fullness of the Trinity in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now I want to turn our attention to the beginning of our Bibles. Creation. We all know the first couple of words of the Bible. “In the…