Time to Learn

Monday School

For Monday School, I have two very simple assignments for all of my students:

1: Register for this site

Go to https://mauldin.online/wp-login.php?action=register. This will make the things that we do on the site a little more private, much more convenient (no more entering your name and email every time you want to do something), and will give you access to some special things that I don’t want everyone to see.

2: Join our first Zoom Classroom

Since we will be using Zoom for some classroom meetings moving forward, I want everyone to get familiar with it so things go smoothly. I’ve set up a test call from 10am-11am today and I would like everyone to get on for just a few minutes and make sure that everything works. Just go to https://mauldin.online/zoom-meetings/test-zoom-call/ and you will find everything you need there.

If you can’t join in for some reason, please let me know. That’s it. No reading, no papers. Just fill out a quick form and jump into a video chat for a few minutes. You can thank me later.

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