Time to Learn

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I hope that you will take a few minutes to Register for this site. It will make your user experience much smoother when commenting or taking quizzes, and there will be content in the future that will only be visible to registered users.

Site Navigation

At the top of the page, you will see links to each class or a menu button which will open the list of classes. If you click that class link it will bring you to a list of all the posts for that class organized by date (Newest first). Make sure you don’t skip any assignments by paying attention to the dates listed. Links will be in RenWeb/FACTS, but I will do my best to list everything here under the date that I have listed in RenWeb/FACTS.

Also, if you are looking for a particular day’s assignment, you can look on the sidebar and click the date on the calendar and you will see the assignments for that particular day. Just find your class and you are ready to go.

Zoom Meetings

Finally, I will be posting at least one Zoom meeting class a week that I would like everyone to attend. I will post the link in the assignment for that day, but I will also send out an email reminder with the link and time. This is an opportunity to see each other’s faces and to have an open discussion. It will not replace the assignment for that day but is meant to enhance it.

I will do my best to adhere to our on-campus schedule when scheduling these meetings in order to avoid overlapping with other teacher’s meetings. If you are unable to attend the meeting for whatever reason, please let me know ahead of time, because I will be taking attendance on these calls. These meetings may be recorded and shared for those unable to attend.

As always, I’m here to help you. Please keep an eye on your grades in RenWeb/FACTS. I’m trying to update them as we go, but if I miss something or you are confused about a grade, please feel free to reach out to me. Use the blue chat button at the bottom right corner of the screen, email, call or text me. God bless!

Let's Talk About It!