Time to Learn

Rise of a New Christendom

Read The Story of Christianity chapter “The 20th to the 21st Century: The Rise of a New Christendom” on pages 336-343. And answer the reading comprehension questions below. In the comments, I’d love to hear what you think about denominations.

Do they matter? Was it inevitable that Christianity would splinter like it has? Should the various divisions seek reconciliation?

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9 thoughts on “Rise of a New Christendom

  1. I don’t really think much of denominations. (I’m non-denominational) Since some have really different beliefs, I don’t know if reconciliation will be happening.

  2. I don’t really think denominations are important. I thought that China was a Catholic country. But that isn’t right according to the book where it makes a reference to Catholic underground churches. Also there were a lot of Protestant household churches. I wonder if the Protestant and Catholic churches were hiding from each other.

    1. China is a Communist country. Churches must register with the government and only a few get approved. If you want to worship according to the Bible and your conscience, you must do it in hiding or face penalties from the government including death. Even this year, there are reports of raiding church services, jailing pastors, and even an effort to re-write the Bible so it is more positive towards Communism and the government. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/13/china-christians-religious-persecution-translation-bible

  3. I think it is interesting that it is believed that a few members of the ruling party are secretly Christians. Shhhh… don’t tell anyone.

  4. I would never like to live in china. I think its awful how some people today forget how free and privileged we actually are inn America compared to other countries

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