Time to Learn

Reformers and Military Rule

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Read “Book of the Ancient Romans” pages 191-211.

As you complete the reading, please open the reading comprehension questions below. Answer the questions as you complete the reading. This will count as a homework grade.

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12 thoughts on “Reformers and Military Rule

  1. I really don’t understand why so many great leaders like Marius were killed in riots. It is so true that “Romans have no pity for their enemies.” (page 205) Did Marius unite Africa with Rome, or did the news that Marius was a great general sail across the sea?

  2. I like how Dorothy Mills enunciated that the women fought “as fiercely as the men”. I think its kinda dumb that the Romans killed the Gracchi guys and then after were really sorry and worshiped them.

  3. why do people blame poloticians for all the rioting they do. like if publix closed for good everyone would find a way to blame trump. i dont get it.

  4. I love how it says the woman were as fierce as the men because usually the woman are completely overlooked

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