Time to Learn

Punic Wars Quiz

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Just like in class, Fridays will be a day for a quiz and maybe something fun that we missed during the week. If you took notes (like you should) during the week then this should be a breeze. If not, then feel free to look back at those lessons. This is open note.

However, if you leave this page, you will lose your place in the quiz. There is no time limit on the quiz, but once you submit it that will be the end, you can’t go back and immediately take it again. Understand that the score you are shown at the end is not necessarily the grade that will be in the grade book. If there are fill-in-the-blank questions then the computer will only mark it as correct if you have exactly the same answer as me.

You must Register/Login to take this quiz.

You don’t have to watch these, but I found them very interesting. They seek to tell the story from the perspective of the Carthaginians as much as possible. Many historians are calling the Destruction of Carthage a genocide.

6 thoughts on “Punic Wars Quiz

  1. Pingback: War Changes Rome – Mr. Mauldin's Class

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