Time to Learn


Don’t Forget! Your Credo Paper is due on Friday! If you are done with it, go ahead and turn it in through Homework drop or email. I will not accept papers submitted after 11:59pm on Friday 5/15. So please make sure that you are working on it this week.

I know that it’s been a long and trying year. So if you need a bit of a break while still stimulating your gray matter, enjoy some of the puzzles and riddles below.

1 / 12

Riddle: What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

2 / 12

Riddle: What 11-letter English word is always pronounced incorrectly?

3 / 12

Riddle: I'm handy when you need to measure something or run a kingdom.

4 / 12

Solve these visual riddles:

5 / 12

6 / 12

7 / 12

8 / 12

Riddle: What building has the most stories?

9 / 12

Riddle: What starts with an "e" but only has a single letter in it?

10 / 12

What am I?
I have an eye but cannot see. I'm faster than any man alive and have no limbs.

11 / 12

Riddle: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters?

12 / 12

What am I?
Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not.

Your score is

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