As we saw earlier this week, we as Christians don’t get the main portion of our beliefs about the second coming of Christ from that sometimes cryptic book at the back of our Bibles. Rather, we allow the whole counsel of God’s word to teach us and we learned from…
Like I said yesterday, there are a lot of people who get their picture of what is going to happen at Jesus’ second coming from the somewhat cryptic book at the end of our Bibles. However, Jesus spoke on numerous occasions about his second coming and I think we should…
When the end times is mentioned, many people immediately want to turn in their Bibles to the Book of Revelation. However, this is a mistake. To see the book of Revelation as some sort of cryptic map of future events is to miss its importance to its original audience. The…
[responsivevoice_button] To end this school year, we will look at our final of the 11 foundational doctrines, the Second Coming. This is a topic that usually elicits one of two responses. You have those that fit into one of the well-defined camps (we will talk about those more this week)…
If you didn’t finish it yesterday, open the Student Guide and fill in the blanks as you watch the lesson. You do not need to turn this in, but you can use it on the quiz below. Complete the open note quiz below. [ays_quiz id=’27’]
Open the Student Guide and fill in the blanks as you watch the lesson. Answer one of the discussion questions on page 8 of the Student guide in the comments below.
Open the Student Guide and fill in the blanks as you watch the lesson. Which of the five purposes of the church listed on page 7 of your packet seems the most important to you? Are these our eternal purposes? What will change when we get to heaven?
Open the Student Guide and fill in the blanks as you watch the lesson. Looking at the seven characteristics of the koinonia fellowship, which of these is most important to you personally? Leave your comments below.
If you need more time to finish the video and the student guide, please use part of today’s class to do that. Download the student guide here. Please note the Quiz at the bottom of this page. You may use your study guides from this week to complete it. No…
Please download the student guide found here. Fill in the blanks as you watch the video below. Note: There is a list of answers to the fill in the blanks on the last page of the PDF. Today, I would like you to put your answer to Discussion Question 3,…
If you were unable to get through the video yesterday, then please take today’s class to complete the study guide. Download the student guide here. Fill in the blanks as you watch the video below. Please note: There is a different discussion question for the comment today. Note: There is…
Please download the student guide found here. Fill in the blanks as you watch the video below. Note: There is a list of answers to the fill in the blanks on the last page of the PDF. If you run out of time during this class period, don’t worry, I’ll…
<== Previous Lesson Don’t forget to complete your problem of evil fictional conversations and submit them to homework drop or send them to my email. We’ve discussed some heavy topics this week and I want to leave you on a positive note. When we talk about the problem of evil,…
<== Previous Lesson Some of you may have rolled your eyes yesterday as we were talking about spiritual beings. After all, we live in an age of particle accelerators, microchips, and organ transplants. Aren’t the Devil and demons just medieval superstitions created to scare naughty children and illiterate peasants? This…
<== Previous Lesson I want you to throw out any pictures that you have in your head of angels, demons, and Satan. These popular images are based on big misunderstandings for the most part. You will need to learn some new words that you don’t use very often, and you…
<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Back when we were talking about Augustine’s City of God, we tackled the problem of evil. This is a difficult philosophical argument that may have roots all the way back to around the year 300 BC. The Greek philosopher Epicurus summed up the argument in the…
<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Hopefully in our discussion on Sanctification yesterday, you came away with something of a definition and process. Here are the basics: Sanctification is being set apart to be holy (1 Corinthians 6:11) by growing in Christ-likeness. (1 Thessalonians 5:23). In other words, as a Christian, you…
<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Your assignment is to do some research on sanctification online. I’d like you to research and write out an answer to the following questions: What is Sanctification? What is a saint? What does it mean that a believer is a new creation? What is the process…
<== Previous Lesson Zoom Call today at 11:15 am [responsivevoice_button] While Jesus’ death accomplished everything that it was intended to, we have not yet experienced all that there is to experience of salvation. We are in the middle of it. Past – Justified Present – Sanctified Future – Glorified In…
<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] Read this verse: God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— he did it to demonstrate his righteousness…
<== Previous Lesson [responsivevoice_button] As we start this new week, we move into the theology of salvation also known as soteriology. So for those of you confused as to how the trinity and creation are applicable to your daily life, there should be no confusion this week. Being around church…
[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] It is not enough to just know that God created. Humanity has an intense desire to figure out the “how” of creation. There are three major views that are important for all believers to understand. Evolution Please note that this is not a…
[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to Post”] After having looked at the fullness of the Trinity in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now I want to turn our attention to the beginning of our Bibles. Creation. We all know the first couple of words of the Bible. “In the…