
Lutheran Pietism

How did we get from a Protestantism based upon theology and confession like traditional Lutheranism and Calvinism to the modern idea of Christianity with a focus on personal devotion and individual sanctification that we see in the preaching of Whitefield. This shift towards Pietism is the missing link.

Watch the video below and leave a comment about how this shift in thinking could have affected churches.

13 thoughts on “Lutheran Pietism

  1. The title implies that this is a thing lutherans thought was good. But it was just called this because it came from the same time and place, and alot of people involved were lutheran. Also, I can’t hear the video, but my volume is up and youtube isn’t muted.

  2. hmmmm…. it is interesting to think that a Lutheran would literally write a book that pretty much goes against what Luther taught.

    1. That sounds confusing to think about because it is not right to go against your own teacher, but if Luther was a role model in Lutheranism that could have changed a lot of views. I still think that if I were a Lutheran I would want to make my teacher known instead of write against him. (Although I do love writing.:))

  3. I think its really weird how a whole different sect of religion can be born from one so different from the original

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