
The Afterlife: Hell

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Please download the student guide found here. Fill in the blanks as you watch the video below.

Note: There is a list of answers to the fill in the blanks on the last page of the PDF. If you run out of time during this class period, don’t worry, I’ll give you time to finish tomorrow.

Please put your answer to Discussion Question 2, on page 9 of the .pdf file, below.

21 thoughts on “The Afterlife: Hell

  1. Hell is not only a punishment for Satan, but also humans. When God made man, they were created with free choice. But if we misuse the power of free choice, we could end up in hell. Hell’s constant shadow keeps us responsible. Its like the spanking stick. You know you are too old for it, and your parents know too, but that doesnt mean they wont use it on you. They don’t want too, but if all else fails, the stick still works. Until they do, though, you stay on your best behaviour to keep it away.

  2. The idea that hell is a real place is a little scary. I’m beyond the point of not believing in it, but the idea that people I walk by every day could go there keeps it fresh. Like… Muslims. Muslims are NICE people. But they are religiously wrong, so they go to hell. Thats scary to me. The comforting thing is that they can be saved, and that strengthens my resolve to minister to people.
    (This was for no. 2 of page 9)

  3. Only jesus can rescue us because only he can offer us forgiveness for the sin that is the reason we would spend eternity in hell.

  4. What most clearly reminds me that there is a hell is that there has to be an opposite of heaven. When you think about it, hell is really terrifying what with spending ETERNITY there. Hell is a torture to be separated from all that God is. Everyone, the ones not elected and chosen, who doesn’t believe and the devil go there.

  5. I think hell would be a place like this earth but with more sorrow. its important that her is there because of god wanting us to make or own decisions, and so that the people that don’t choose him literally fade or die or be scared into choosing him

  6. Yes Cate i agree with that. Especially after watching this video I’m reminded that hell was made for Satan and his angels, but man can also go there. I now know that Jesus taught more about hell than about heaven, meaning for me that hell is definitely real and a place of judgement.

  7. We must think about death and eternity. Not just when we’re close to dying. I myself think of death and eternity and what it will be like. It is a really hard concept to grasp for any human. God’s power is amazing and the eternity life he has provided us.

  8. hell is pretty terrifying to think about. It does serve as a warning I suppose but it is still intimidating.

  9. We may be in a place of tort and suffering on earth but if we are not saved we will be sent to a place of eternal torture which is worse that the earth we are already on. This place is called hell.

  10. my sin reminds me that there is a hell and that if I do not repent from my sin, I could end up in a place of worse suffering. i feel that hell is an important place because God can not live with sinful people and the people who accept him are cleansed and are seen as perfect in his eyes.As for the people that reject him they are still seen as sinful and can’t be in the presence of God.

  11. Hell is a place of sin and torture. You won’t go unless you believe in Jesus. That is why we need to tell people about him

  12. Sorry for the delayed comment I completely missed this. Hell is absence from God. A place from which he vacates his presence. Somewhere we certainly don’t want to be.

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