
Jesus on the Second Coming

Like I said yesterday, there are a lot of people who get their picture of what is going to happen at Jesus’ second coming from the somewhat cryptic book at the end of our Bibles. However, Jesus spoke on numerous occasions about his second coming and I think we should base our faith on what he has to say since we claim to follow him and not some preacher today who claims to know what is going on.

The main teaching by Jesus on this topic is found in Matthew 24. Here he begins a long and difficult prophecy describing the end of not only the Jewish nation (which will take place about 40 years after he is speaking), but also the end of the world when He will return.

This was a private discussion that Jesus was having with his disciples and it is structured to answer their two questions in Matthew 24:3, “As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?'”

Jesus breaks his answer into three parts to answer those questions:

  1. A panoramic view of world history until the second coming of Jesus that includes the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (verses 4-14).
  2. A telescopic view to events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (verses 15-35).
  3. A second telescopic view to the second coming of Jesus at the end of the world (verses 36-44).

There is a stark contrast here between the “signs” that predict the coming of the destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus prophesied about that event that would happen in 70 A.D. and he nailed it, but when it came to talking about the timing and the signs of his second coming, he said that there won’t be any cataclysmic signs. All will seem normal. Believers will be preparing themselves for the second coming while the rest of the world will be ignoring it until it is too late just like people did in Noah’s day.

Jesus is talking about being ready. He says that when He returns suddenly one will be saved and another one lost, no time for repentance and change. Just like Noah, when the rain came they were taken and disappeared into the ark, the others remained to die in the flood. When Jesus comes, the faithful will be taken to be with Him and the disbelievers immediately put away from His presence.

So don’t fall into the trap that some teach that there are dozens of things that must take place before Jesus returns which lulls you into a false sense of security. We should always be prepared and not foolishly lapse into sin thinking we have plenty of time to repent and be ready for the return; we never know, we must be ready.

If you’ve written your section of your credo on the second coming, give me a sample in the comments below. If you haven’t, then tell me something from Jesus’ message to his disciples that you will include in your beliefs about the second coming.

13 thoughts on “Jesus on the Second Coming

  1. In Matthew 24:36 Jesus says no one will know the day nor the hour. Not the angels, nor the son. Only the Father.

  2. “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” the disciples asked when he will come again.

  3. Believers will be preparing for the themselves for the second coming while the others will be ignoring until it it too late just like in Noah’s day. I am going to put this in my Credo because this shows that it is really important for us to spread the gospel and be messengers of the bible.

  4. Jesus’ coming will happen out of nowhere. we need to be ready every day, just like the brides with prepared with oil

  5. when jesus return there will be many to go to hell and few to go to heaven. but heaven is truly worth it.

  6. During the White Throne Judgement all in hell will be brought out and judged before all before being cast to the lake of fire. I would prefer heaven.

  7. We are to be ready to leave this earth in the meantime non-believers are not prepared and could careless about his 2nd coming.

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