
Afterlife: Hell – Part 2

Fire Flames Heat Night Hot

If you were unable to get through the video yesterday, then please take today’s class to complete the study guide. Download the student guide here. Fill in the blanks as you watch the video below. Please note: There is a different discussion question for the comment today.

Note: There is a list of answers to the fill in the blanks on the last page of the PDF.

Today, I would like you to put your answer to Discussion Question 4, on page 10 of the .pdf file, below.

17 thoughts on “Afterlife: Hell – Part 2

  1. I think it was so clearly explained so that we get the idea of what will happen if we don’t believe in God. if we know the punishment, I makes a bigger motivation to do the right act.

  2. Yes exactly. Hell is defined as separation from God, so while he surely has the power to destroy/dominate it he chooses not to. He isolates himself from it so that those who denied him would be truly apart from him.

  3. I think that one of the reasons that Jesus talked about hell more than about heaven is because he is warning us, because he knows and believes, that hell is definitely a real place. All the times that he brought up hell, he was warning us to not go down that path because he knows what’s down there and he knows who will go there. It is the fate that awaits all who are not with him. It’s so clearly explained because Jesus doesn’t want us to go down there.

    1. I find this somewhat strange as in the Bible in revelations I believe Hades is referred to as a horsemen of the apocalypse

  4. I think the reason the Bible so clearly the fact that Hell is a place of suffering because some people think that because God is loving, they can do whatever they want. When the Bible tells us its a place of suffering, it was God ensuring that we knew that there was a black and a white, no grey afterlife.

  5. I think it is clearly stated because people believe God will love them, whatever they do, even sin and to show that if you don’t accept Jesus, you will end up in the flames of hell not in the glory of heaven.

  6. If we are not saved will not get into heaven it was ever so clearly told us that hell is a place of suffering and if we are not saved we will be there for eternity.

    1. ok my grammar was really bad…auto correct…
      its supposed to say

      if we are not saved WE will not get into heaven, the videos made it so clear that hell is a place of suffering and pain and if we are not saved we will be tortured there for eternity.

  7. Hey, sorry i accidentally skipped this lesson.

    If we do not repent and turn away from our sin, we will be separated eternally from God, and everything good that comes from HIm. We are warned many times about hell in the BIble, and we should be aware that this is a definite fact of hell’s existence.

  8. i think that it’s is describes it so vividly so that humans fear it. and so they know that it would be the worst place ever to go.

  9. if you don’t believe in god you will go to hell the only way you can go to heaven is if you believe in jesus

  10. Hell is not a place where anybody wants to go and the only way to not go to hell is to believe and trust in Jesus.

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