
15 thoughts on “Afterlife: Heaven

  1. I liked how she talked about having three boxes ( Urgent, not urgent, and after I’m dead) for urgent we would need to be saved that is one of our main priorities while living a Christian lifestyle. I liked the verse 2 Corinthians 5:4.

  2. I liked the one about how we will have immortality! I think it’s really cool how one day we’ll have a resurrected body and be with God for eternity.

  3. I like the satisfaction of all needs, and the holiness. I need to understand more the intimate relationship with God and other believers.

  4. I think the two things that stand out to me the most were numbers 2 and 4, a glorified body and satisfaction of all needs. Those are the two most materialistic, but I’m a rather materialistic person, and I find that unless I feel at my best, I can’t focus on the thing I want most. Like in the morning, I don’t get active because I had coffee, but because I take a shower. I can be a really irritable person when I’m feeling… unclean, I guess. I also feel my most prepared for anything when I’m at my most satisfied. I have a feeling that if everything is all right now, there’s no way it can’t get even better. Probably unrealistic, but that’s how I get my best work done. In church, I don’t get spiritually active unless I have a sense of ease and satisfaction. I feel like when I get to Heaven, I won’t have to deal with all those problems. If in Heaven, all my Earthly tendencies are gone, I can fully focus on God, with no distractions. This probably doesn’t make me the ideal evangelist, as they usually have to do things way out of their comfort zone. It’s definitively something I’m trying to work on. The things I have trouble understanding is the same as the ones I’m looking forward to.

  5. when we are in heaven there will be no pain or agony and everything will be perfect we will live with god forever.

  6. Heaven is the place where those who repent go. What about animals however. Do they go to Heaven or do they just cease to exist.

    1. I usually respond to this question with another question. If hell is reserved for those that have rebelled against God, then the question is do (or can) animals sin? I personally tend to think that we will have animals in heaven, but I don’t think that animals have eternal souls that will live forever in heaven.

  7. The to that sound amazing are imortality and a glorified body. i need to dig deeper and think more about sharing of Christ’s glory

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